The typical spring pastel shades of lilac, pink and soft greys are featured. However the gorgeous palettes are embossed with floral prints and a pale pink as the closure of this spring palettes in their “frozen lightness “. As a woman and artist I admire the garden in bloom and in particular, the fantastic rose garden I planted myself. The theme of the festive garden, love, spring and blossom inspired me to create this collection ‘‘The Frozen lightness of Spring “.
“The Lightness of Spring”, mixed media, (painted on plexiglass, diamond’s glossing) hand sculpted .
Size 180cmx120cm, from series ““Perception of color in solid form.
Mixed media, painting on plexiglass
“Sensation divinity of flight”, mixed media, (painted on plexiglass, diamond’s glossing) hand sculpted .
Size 30cmx25cm, from series ““Perception of color in solid form.
Mixed media, painting on plexiglass
From series “Perception of Colour in Solid Form. After Dior”. Mixed media , hand sculpted painted plexiglass, , diamond dust , size 104x55x25cm. Unique
From series “Perception of Colour in Solid Form. After Dior”. Mixed media , hand sculpted plexiglass, size 63x52x34cm
“ The Moonlight dream.” From series “Perception of Colour in Solid Form. After Dior”. Mixed media , hand sculpted plexiglass, size 63x52x34cm